Tuesday, October 2, 2012


6th grade students are working on Tangles in art class.  A tangle is a doodle that is created by following these guidelines.

Deliberate Stroke - In a tangle you draw each stroke consciously and deliberately..

Deliberate Focus - As you make a deliberate pen stroke on your tangle without concerning yourself of what it will look like when you are done, that very act of putting your pen to paper focuses your attention in a special way. As your eye follows your pen strokes your attention shifts to a state that allows fresh thoughts, new perspectives, and creative insights.

No Eraser - There is no eraser in life and there is no eraser in a tangle. You will discover that apparent mistakes can be foundations for new patterns and take you in unexpected and exciting new directions.

Unknown Outcomes - Unlike much art, or most activities, you start out intentionally not knowing what your tangle creation will look like. This method allows you to discover new possibilities that you might not have anticipated when you began. We can most always tell when we've preplanned a specific outcome when using my tangle method. It almost always looks forced and stiff.

Abstract - You always succeed when you create tangle art because you always create a pattern. A tangle creation is meant to be non-representative with no up or down. Since it is not a picture of something, you have no worries about whether you can draw a hand, or a duck. You always succeed in creating a pattern in a tangle way.

Here is an example I just finished in our class yesterday. I cannot wait to share the amazing work the students have created!

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